a) In-Person b) Via Phone
a) In-Person Consultation with Architect b) Drawings Designed c) Drawings Approved
a) Protection / Cover-Up b) Demolition c) Preparation
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Are you the legal owner of the property?*
Please select which best describes your home:*
Please select which describes your home?*
Have you obtained any other estimates?*
If you have obtained other estimates, how many have you obtained?*
What is your budget for this project?*
Have you secured funding for this project?*
Do you need financing for this project?*
Have you built or remodeled before?
Do you have architectural drawings or will you need architectual drawings?*
Have you selected any of the following?*
What can our experienced team help you with?
Would you like to purchase any items yourself?*
How soon would you like to get started?*
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